Rebranding Hidasie Telecom

Creating Memorable Impressions and Cornering the Market

Rebranding Hidasie Telecom

Creating Memorable Impressions and Cornering the Market

When FIRMA took on the rebranding of Hidassie Telecom, it was ahead of and in preparation for the competition to come within the telecom industry in Ethiopia. The aim was to refresh, standardize, and streamline the branding and brand identity of the organization. The organization was ambitious in its short- and long-term goals and the aim was to create something that transcended seasonal trends. FIRMA was able to capture this sentiment through its creative process, and created systematic means through which the organization can continue to use the developed identity and suite of branding elements in a consistent and easy fashion. 


FIRMA also took on the task of assembling the first pool of photographs for marketing purposes. The theme was ‘casually together’ where we captured actors in their day-to-day life incorporating Hidassie’s services and products. 

Client Testimonial

Hidasie Telecom S.Co. engaged FIRMA Media and Communications PLC to do a complete overhaul of the existing organizational brand and to replace it with a branding that matched the organization's long-term goals, its orientation in the market, and the organization's desire adapt to the needs and appetite of its clientele and partners. To this end, we have been very pleased with FIRMA. The team's approach to creating an inclusive system by which the opinions of Hidassie's thousands of employees were represented, the strategic approach of creating a visual identity for our company, and the foresight that encouraged us to look beyond our current needs was greatly appreciated. Furthermore, FIRMA created a comprehensive brand guideline and engaged our employees in a one-day training to ensure the brand they created for us was sustainable long after our partnership with FIRMA. For this, we are thankful. For these reasons and others, it is with great confidence that we recommend the courteous, professional, and helpful staff of FIRMA Media and Communications for all endeavors they consider to be in their domain.
Bizauayehu Firew
Chief Executive Officer


Creative Director:
Fitsum Admasu

Guideline Development:
Diana Yohannes

Mikyas Belay

Genaye Eshetu
